Introduction to mindfulness meditation – 01.17-től


In this 7-week beginner mindfulness meditation course you will learn the foundations of a meditation practice to cultivate well-being and more loving relationships. In addition to mindfulness techniques, we will also tap into compassion practices to awaken the heart and mind. Each class takes 90 minutes and includes a brief talk, sharing circle, formal sitting practice and ending with Questions and Answers, and when appropriate, somatic practices for grounding or energizing ourselves. The course includes email handouts and recorded audio meditations to support your practice. You can read more about the course curriculum at this link.


About the instructor: Eszter Farkas is a certified mindfulness meditation and yoga instructor with 10 years of teaching experience. She aims to create a safe and friendly container for the practice, where participants feel welcome.


You can secure your spot by booking at this link:

If you have questions, you are welcome to set up a free clarity call with Eszter